The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which sought agreement of the draft Sniperley Masterplan for public consultation. The masterplan will guide approximately 1,700 new homes and associated infrastructure across the site on the edge of Durham City. Alongside the masterplan, a Healthy Active Travel Connectivity Plan has been prepared to illustrate the significant opportunities for active travel both within and surrounding the site (for copy see file of minutes).
Councillor Scott responded to Councillor Marshall’s question about planning application processes and the delivery of the plan.
Councillor Scott in moving the report advised that the Sniperley Park would be an extraordinary development due to its location and character, and an exemplar of design. She set out the plans for consultation, and thanked the team for their hard work so far with the development of the plan.
Councillor Wilkes expressed his thanks to officers for the significant work undertaken, and that it was essential to move forward with this to secure environmentally sustainable large-scale housing development in the North East, and which aims to be as carbon neutral development as possible. Consultation would now take place in the community.
Councillor Shield in referring to road infrastructure welcomed that as part of a planning application for this development robust transport modelling would assess the impact and identify sufficient new infrastructure to mitigate the impact of this.
That the recommendations in the report be approved.
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