The Committee considered a report of the Director of Public Health to update Members on the children and young people’s mental health, emotional wellbeing and resilience local transformation plan and key areas of work (for copy of report, see file of minutes).
The Consultant in Public Health was in attendance to present the report and talked about the national and local level in relation to children and young people’s mental health; impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic, workforce development particularly in areas of training and awareness; partnership work, specific areas of focus; opportunities for improvement; the wellbeing approach and next steps.
The report highlighted the challenges specially the greater impact of COVID 19 on children and young people for example a child of eight has had a quarter of its life living through a pandemic which is very significant for children.
Members were advised that half of the mental health problems seen in adults had started in childhood and it was important that these problems were addressed.
The report provided Members with links to the Rainbow Guides.
In response to a question on the impact of long COVID on children’s mental health and emotional wellbeing the Consultant in Public Health responded that this was still being quantified and the NHS Trust were doing some work around long term COVID. The disease was mild in most children however where children did suffer long term affects, they would be supported by their GP who would refer them to a paediatrician if necessary.
Ms Evans asked when this information was available, could this be shared with Members of the committee.
The Consultant in Public Health indicated that she would ask for a response on this and share with Members through committee services.
Councillor Hunt referred to schools having to use pupil premium to pay for pastoral and health workers and asked if there was any funding available, as the pastoral work was making a huge difference.
The Consultant in Public Health indicated that the financial aspects of school budgets were not within her remit, but they used the money from the Community Outbreak Management Fund to secure funding for training which was a benefit for all schools in the county who had access to a training place on youth aware mental health first aid. Other provision were available through education psychology services working in schools across the council.
Councillor Gunn referred again to the Kooth app and asked how it would be developed and monitored. She then referred to the health and wellbeing framework for schools and educational settings that had been successfully trialled by 25 schools and suggested that this could be promoted via governing bodies and members of the Council. Her third question referred to paragraph 7 of the report and suggested that young carers be added to the list of vulnerable children and young people as they should be included in those receiving additional support.
The Consultant in Public Health responded that Kooth was commissioned nationally through the NHS, it was a validated programme and could be assured in terms on quality. The Health and Wellbeing Framework in terms of schools, working with elected members was important and would take that suggestion back. She advised members that youth mental health first aid was available to schools and school governors and the next course would be held on the 26 November and she would highly recommend that session. Any children who had additional vulnerability was likely to have additional risks in terms of their risk in developing mental health issues. The Rainbow guides were helpful in sharing some of that key information including colleagues across services and the voluntary sector who support vulnerable groups including young carers.
The Chair thanked he Consultant in Public Health for her report.
Resolved: (i) That the contents of the report be noted.
(ii) That the work of the County Durham Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Partnership Group be acknowledged and endorsed.
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