The Committee considered the report of the Chair of the Corporate Parenting Panel that presented the Corporate Parenting Panel Annual Report 2020-21, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy of report, see file of minutes).
The Annual Report 2020-21 was agreed by the Corporate Parenting Panel at its meeting on 2 July 2021 and endorsed by Council at its meeting on 20 October 2021.
Councillor Simmons, Chair of Corporate Parenting Panel was in attendance to present the report and thanked Councillor I Jewel the previous Corporate Parenting Panel Chair and all the young people who made the annual report possible. She then alluded to some of the achievements that they were particularly proud of such as the work to allow pets in children’s homes as well as the work that had taken place to improve the Wi-Fi connection which had been invaluable during the pandemic.
Work was continuing to address the priorities in the annual report, and she would provide a progress update in the next annual report.
They would continue to meet with young children from the Children in Care Council who hold the council to account on the progress against these priorities.
Resolved: That the content of the Corporate Parenting Panel Annual Report which provided oversight of the work undertaken during 2020-21 and outlined the priorities for the year ahead be noted.
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