Agenda item

4/11/00599/OUT - Land at Langley Hall Farm, Brandon Lane, Durham

Outline application proposing residential development of up to 70 dwellinghouses seeking detailed approval of means of access only


Outline Application Proposing Residential Development of up to 70 Dwellinghouses Seeking Detailed Approval of Means of Access Only


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Durham Area) which recommended approval of the application.


The Principal Planning Officer advised Members that there was an error in the recommendation section of the report which should read ‘the application be approved subject to the following conditions and subject to the completion of a Section 106 Obligation to secure the payment of £40,000 for public art/environmental improvements in the locality, £70,000 for the provision of recreation/play space or £1000 per unit and 23% on site affordable housing’. The Officer went on to give a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report, which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


In discussing the application some Members were of the view that the proposal was clearly outside the settlement boundary and constituted development in the open countryside. A comment was also made that there were existing sites in other locations that had been identified for housing which should be examined prior to agreeing to developments on sites such as Langley Hall Farm. Other concerns included the increased demand on local services, increased traffic congestion on the A690 into Durham, and the single access which seemed inadequate for the number of properties proposed.


Other Members expressed their support for the application. The development offered 23% affordable housing which would help to address housing problems in the City and would bring about community benefits, including a financial contribution by the developer towards recreational facilities and public art.


Officers responded to the comments raised. The Highways Officer advised that in accordance with national guidelines issued in 2007, the access was deemed to be acceptable for the number of properties it would serve. With regard to traffic congestion the application was supported by a traffic assessment and whilst it was accepted that there would be additional vehicles on the network, the number was deemed to be relatively modest.


The Principal Planning Officer appreciated that there were undeveloped sites in other settlements, however it was unlikely that these would be delivered in the current housing market. As part of the emerging NPPF there were the beginnings of more emphasis being placed on sustainability and in certain cases a presumption in favour of sustainable development. In the opinion of Officers the site at Langley Hall Farm met this criteria as well as delivering community benefits such as affordable housing and public art.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and to the applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement to secure the following:-


(i)                 The payment of £40,000 for the provision of public art/environmental improvements in the locality

(ii)               The payment of £70,000 (or £1,000 per unit) for the provision of recreation/play space

(iii)             The provision of 23% on site affordable housing.  





Supporting documents: