Agenda item

4/11/00930/FPA - Gordon Mount, 19 Crossgate Peth, Durham

Resubmission of planning application 11/00072/FPA for the erection of a detached garage and store to rear of property


Resubmission of Planning Application 11/00072/FPA for the Erection of a Detached Garage and Store to Rear of the Property


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Durham Area) which recommended approval of the application.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report, which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Members were advised that the consultation period for the application expired on 29 December 2011 and since the report had been circulated 3 additional letters of objection had been received, together with one letter commenting on the application. The additional representations had been considered by Officers but did not raise any new material issues. Had it been the case and the objections raised new matters which would change the Officer assessment, then the report would have been withdrawn from the Agenda.


The Officer also advised that the wording of condition 3 regarding materials was to be amended with a new condition regarding incidental use to be added.


R Cornwell, an objector addressed the Committee on behalf of six residents. He submitted 3 photographs and took Members through each. Residents considered that if approved the development would contravene saved policies E6 and E22, which sought to preserve the setting, character and appearance of the Conservation Area. The series of photographs showed the greenery and the relatively modest size of the former garage, the existing condition of the site, and how the proposed workshop would dominate the street scene. 


The report made reference to a mitigating landscape scheme but residents considered that there would be little available room for planting. A trellis had been suggested to add height to the boundary wall but Officers had advised against this. The door and windows of the workshop would only be three metres from the garden of number 20 The Avenue which would affect their privacy.


Councillor N Martin spoke in support of the residents and considered that the proposed workshop would be a ‘monstrous carbuncle’ in an important part of the Conservation Area of Durham City. Many of the gardens further down The Avenue had trellis fencing, the design drawings did not reflect the size of the workshop, and a landscaping scheme was not feasible.


D Carter, the applicant gave a presentation to Members which included photographs. The typical streetscape of The Avenue was a combination of walls and fences of differing heights. The drawings submitted did accurately reflect the scale of the workshop, and had been designed by a professional architect, in accordance with the views of local residents and Planning Officers.  The proposal was to provide parking and storage to meet the needs of his family and to ensure the security and safety of the rear of his premises.


In determining the application Members sought clarification of the materials to be used and considered that the proposed timber appearance of the garage and access gates would be acceptable and would be in character with the surrounding area.




That the application be approved in accordance with the conditions outlined in the report subject to a change to condition 3 and to a new condition being added as follows:-


3.      Notwithstanding any details of materials submitted with the application no   development shall commence until samples of the boundary wall, hardstanding, access gates, store/workshop wall and roofing materials have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be constructed in accordance with the approved details.


            New Condition: The store/workshop hereby approved shall be used for purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house only, and shall not be used for any trade or business purposes.


            Reason: In the interests of residential amenity in accordance with Policy Q9 of the City of Durham Local Plan. 

Supporting documents: