Agenda item

4/11/00774/FPA - Land at Woodland Terrace and College View, Esh Winning, Durham

Erection of 30 no. dwellinghouses with formation of new access and closure of existing access (resubmission)


Erection of 30 No. Dwellinghouses with Formation of New Access and Closure of Existing Access


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Durham Area) which recommended approval of the application.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation, which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Mrs Hennigan, an objector addressed the Committee. Her main concerns were for the safety of local children who had played on the site but who now had to play in the streets. The site had been identified in the Esh Winning Masterplan to re-house residents from The Oaks but was now surplus to requirements. There were other areas of land in Esh Winning which could be developed including a site opposite which would be available once the new school was completed.


Councillor J Wilkinson spoke at length in support of the application. In the Esh Winning Masterplan undertaken in 2007 this site was the catalyst for regeneration of the whole village. The site would benefit from HCA Funding to provide affordable homes for rent, which was much-needed. The development was adjacent to the new school and would benefit from recreational facilities such as a MUGA, library and sports hall. The site was well-situated for the village amenities and was on the main bus route into Durham City.


In considering the application Members were advised that the site formed a crucial part of Esh Winning Masterplan and would provide considerable community benefit, particularly with the provision of affordable housing. As the site had been fenced off for some time, Members acknowledged that its current amenity value was limited and that there were other open space areas near to the site.  Members felt that the proposed development would enhance a barren area of land.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.

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