Agenda item

Investing in Children / Children in Care Council Update - Presentation of Project Officer, Investing in Children


Robert Johnson, Project Manager of Investing in Children and Caitlyn Gray of the Children in Care Council presented an update on recent activities (for copy of presentation see file of minutes).


Caitlyn explained that a joint meeting of members of the Children in Care Council and the Corporate Parenting Panel was held on 19 October.  Topics discussed included the importance of family time, support for care leavers and ways to challenge stigma and discrimination. 


Referring to family time, the young people highlighted that some of the venues used for this purpose are in need of updating and some of the rooms are suitable for younger children but not older children and teenagers.  Caitlyn explained that in 2017 funds were raised through donations from Members to refurbish some family time rooms, with young people being actively involved in helping to design the rooms. The young people of the Children in Care Council would like the Panel to consider donating funds for the refurbishment of more family time venues.


Another issue discussed at the joint meeting was support for care leavers and what more could be done to assist care leavers and how this is a corporate responsibility and, as such, all services across the Council should be encouraged to look at ways in which they can support young people on leaving care.


The Project Manager explained how the young people are continuing to highlight the issues of stigma and discrimination and two young people gave a presentation to social work students at Sunderland University. The presentation was thought provoking and challenged the students’ thinking and it was so well received, the young people will be following this up with a presentation to master’s degree students in the near future.


Other developments during the month include the production of the next CiCC newsletter and the launch of the Education Fun Fund project, which utilises pupil premium money for fun education activities.


Peer mentors hosted a Halloween session for 6 to 10 year olds which gave the mentors the opportunity to talk to the younger children about the roles of the people who care for them, including the roles of Social Workers and Independent Reviewing Officers. 


The young people are also discussing ideas for the production of a film and encouraged thoughts from Members as to a theme for the film.


Caitlyn concluded the presentation by sharing the details of a fundraising project by a young person who is raising money for Pancreatic Cancer UK, in memory of a  foster carer.


The Chair congratulated the young people of the Children in Care Council on their work during a busy month.


Councillor Miller spoke of how much he enjoyed the event and he thanked all those that took part, adding that he would like to see the meetings taking place more often. He agreed with the young people that location and venues are a key part of the family time experience and therefore it is important that the venues are fit for purpose.  He asked if it would be possible for Members to visit some of the family time locations. The Head of Children’s Social Care confirmed that a visit will be arranged for Members to view family time venues. 


Councillor Bainbridge echoed Councillor Miller’s positive feedback saying how much she had enjoyed the evening and thanked the young people for organising the event.  She spoke of how keen the young people are to increase opportunities and challenging stigma. 


She commented on how she had been disappointed to see the press releases circulated by the young people which painted a negative picture of young people looked after.  Referring to the refurbishment of the family time rooms and speaking as a long-standing member of the Panel, she spoke in support of raising funds to extend this project.


Councillor Townsend thanked the young people for the joint meeting, saying how refreshing and rewarding the experience was for her.  She congratulated the young people on being such good advocates for themselves, inspiring others by driving their messages forward and using their voices and leadership skills to achieve their goals. She agreed that language must be relevant and consistent, especially for young people who are new to being in care so that they are not confused by many different ways of saying the same thing.  She added that the work the young people are doing will be of benefit, not only now but also to young people looked after in the future. 


Councillor Hunt thanked the young people for the fantastic event, saying one issue in particular had resonated with her which was the discussion regarding discrimination and she recognised the Panel’s duty to challenge that perception.  She spoke of her support for the young people’s plans for their artwork to be displayed in bus stops to showcase how talented they are and she encouraged the young people to continue to ‘think big’.


Councillor Deinali referred to the proposal to display the artwork in bus stops at Chester le Street and Framwellgate Moor and requested that this be rolled-out to all areas of the county. Councillor Gunn requested that the smaller villages and rural areas of the county are also included.  Councillor Miller agreed and suggested that, with some major regeneration projects in the pipeline, there should be consideration given to incorporating projects like this into the plans for the future.


Alison Ferguson,Designated Nurse for Safeguarding and Looked After Children asked for permission to share the artwork with paediatric services and GP surgeries as they would also like to celebrate the talents of the young people.


The Project Manager thanked the Panel for their comments adding that the young people have produced fantastic artwork and he is looking forward to informing the Panel of the launch of the project.


Councillor Varty thanked all the young people who worked to organise the joint event, saying they all made a lasting impression.  She commented that she learnt a great deal and she encouraged the young people to keep up the good joint working through sharing their thoughts and views with Members.


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