Agenda item

PL/5/2011/0443 - Seaton Nurseries, Seaton Lane, Seaton

Residential development (outline) (resubmission)


Residential Development (outline) (resubmission)


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Durham Area) which recommended approval of the application.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report, which included photographs of the site.


Mr Brooker, the applicant’s agent stated that whilst outside the settlement boundary the site constituted previously developed land, having a garden centre, caravan/container storage, and car repair facilities located there. The buildings were failing and it would be financially unviable to carry out improvements. The location was sustainable, being similarly situated to other developments on greenfield sites on the edge of Seaham.  There were facilities in Seaton that had not been referred to in the report and the site was on a bus route. Highways Officers had not offered any objections and whilst the ecology report had not yet been received, it was expected to confirm the findings from the previous planning application.


In deliberating the application Members were advised by the Principal Planning Officer that it was accepted that this was a long-established, previously developed site, however the current uses were appropriate to the location and were unobtrusive. There was no natural boundary to this site and if approved Officers were concerned that applications from other developers may come forward in the future, extending further into the open countryside.


Following discussion it was RESOLVED




(i)                 The application be approved subject to the receipt of a satisfactory ecology report


(ii)               Officers be authorised to formulate appropriate conditions and report them back to the Committee.


The reasons for conditional approval were expressed to be that the site was not considered to be significantly separated from Seaton, was in a sustainable location and was already developed.  

Supporting documents: