Agenda item

PL/5/2011/401 and PL/5/2011/402 - Hardwicke Hall Manor Hotel, Hesleden Road, Hesleden

PL/5/2011/401 – Four detached residential properties including private vehicular access road

PL/5/2011/402 – Partial demolition of Grade II listed garden wall and proposed repair of remainder, partial demolition of boundary wall and complete demolition of existing brick shed within curtilage of Grade II listed Hardwicke Hall Manor Hotel in association with residential development of 4 dwellings


PL/5/2011 – Four Detached Residential Properties Including Private Vehicular Access Road

PL/5/2011/402 – Partial Demolition of Grade II Listed Garden Wall and Proposed Repair of Remainder, Partial Demolition of Boundary Wall and Complete Demolition of Existing Brick Shed within Curtilage of Grade II Listed Hardwicke Hall Manor Hotel in Association with Residential Development of Four Dwellings


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Durham Area) which recommended refusal of the application for the reasons given.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report, which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


The Officer advised that since the report had been circulated notification had been received that the Parish Council had no views in relation to the application.


B Scorer, the applicant’s agent addressed the Committee and stated that there were issues that he wished to discuss with Officers further and had asked for consideration of the application to be deferred to allow discussions to take place.


In considering the application Members considered that the request for a deferral was reasonable to allow further discussions between the applicant and Planning Officers.




That the application be deferred.




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