Agenda item

Single Use Plastics Project - Update


The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change and supporting presentation that provided an update on the progress made to reduce the use of Single Use Plastics in Durham County Council and across County Durham. (for copy of report and slides, see file of minutes).


Oliver Sherratt, Head of Environment,  gave a presentation which highlighted the following areas:


·        Why Focus on Single Use Plastics and the Global Perspective;

·        Background and Durham’s Approach;

·        Work undertaken and Action Plan;

·        Legislation – Waste and Resources Strategy for England 2018;

·        Next Steps.


Members were informed of the benefits of plastics such as durability however those benefits were also the reasons behind the various problems which they cause.  The Head of Environment continued by highlighting the need for education in relation to recycling to ensure that plastics were disposed of correctly.  Members were reminded of the approach taken which was not just council focused but involved working with partners and of the continued progress in relation to the pledge. 


The Head of Environment updated members with regard to DCC procurement activity which has been picked up at a national level to glean an understanding of DCC’s approach.   The committee was then provided with detail of progress made in relation to various actions identified in the action plan and that legislation had been introduced with restrictions imposed on the supply of plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds.  Members were then advised that there was a need to restart the SUPs network with regard to raising awareness and education and to continue to audit the use of SUPs.  The Head of Environment concluded by reminding members that while a lot has been achieved to reduce the use of SUPs there was still a need to continue as there was still a lot of work to do.


Councillor Adam acknowledged the significant amount of work that had been undertaken to reduce single use plastics within the Authority and County Durham, however it was a cheap option with plastic was still being produced. He referred to the 2022/23 draft action plan (appendix 3) and suggested that the wording be strengthened, and that Cabinet reinforce efforts to engage with event traders and organisers to reduce or remove single use plastic products. He highlighted the catering services plan that identified canned water vending option be introduced in leisure centres and asked if other alternatives could be considered. The Head of Environment confirmed that he  would feed back to the Chair of the single use plastics group the comments made.  He acknowledged there was still a long way to go and agreed that wider societal changes were needed. He advised that cans were perceived to be a more recyclable material, however agreed it would be beneficial for venues to encourage people to use their own re-usable water flasks or be able to purchase re-usable flasks or cups from venues. He advised that a deposit return scheme was included in the Environment Act 2021 and such a scheme would help towards changing behaviours however further detail in relation to the scheme would be included in in the regulations when they are published.


Mrs P Holding, co-opted member,  congratulated the work carried out in relation to recycling within the Council, however expressed concerns regarding fast food outlets and takeaways and the huge amount of plastic material they produce which is then deposited everywhere and asked how DCC is working with this sector to educate them not to use SUPs. The Head of Environment referred to licensing and advised that DCC could not require these businesses to eliminate the use of single use plastics, however they can encourage and advise businesses to be more environmentally conscious and address any issues with littering.


Councillor Elmer acknowledged that the strategy was reassuring and that every angle had been covered including procurement which was really important, however he noted that the use of single use plastics continued to increase. He felt the only way forward for change was through legislation, banning production of certain types of plastics where alternatives are available.  He suggested that the Committee write to Central Government asking for stronger legislation to tackle production at source. The Head of Environmentadvised that the service was currently waiting for regulations to come forward from the Environment Act 2021 and added that he would be happy to provide members with a briefing at a future meeting on the National Waste and Resources Strategy when it was implemented, and regulations have been issued.



(i)     That the committee receive and comment on the report accordingly;

(ii)    That the Committee receive a future presentation detailing progress made against the actions identified within the report linking into the wider Climate Change agenda.


Supporting documents: