At a Meeting of the Joint Committee for the North of England Open-Air Museum held in the Collections Study Room, Regional Resource Centre, Beamish Museum on Friday 13 January 2012 at 10.00 a.m.
Councillor D Marshall in the Chair
Members of the Joint Committee
Councillors Carr, Iveson, May, Naylor, Todd and Wilkinson (Durham County Council) Goldsworthy (Gateshead MBC), Mortimer (North Tyneside MBC) Gibson and Maxwell (South Tyneside MBC) and R Bell Foster, Kelly and Richardson (Sunderland City Council)
Co-opted Members (Non-Voting)
Friends – Mr A Ashburner
BDT – Mr S Skipsey
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bailey, J Bell,Blakey, Boyes, Farry, Gittins, C Marshall, Shuttleworth, Stoker, Thomson, J Wilson and Wright (Durham County Council), Craig (Gateshead MBC), Cunningham, Dixon and Kerr (South Tyneside MBC), Scott, Speding and Walker (Sunderland City Council), Mrs E Hunter and Mrs S Stewart (Beamish Development Trust) and Mr M Dix (Friends)
1 Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 November 2011
The minutes of the meeting held on 18 November 2011 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
2 Museum Update
The Joint Committee received a report from the Museum Director giving an update on Museum business (for copy see file of Minutes). December had been a very busy month with visitor numbers reaching 41,000. It was envisaged to reach 490,000 visitors by the year end.
That the report be noted.
3 Presentation on Visitor Trends and Segmentation
The Museum Director gave a detailed presentation about visitor trends and segmentation between 2008 and 2011 (for copy see file of Minutes).
Members were informed about the following:-
Total visitor numbers – 2011 highest year on record since 1990
Monthly visitor number – more visitors ‘out of season’ due to events being held and more attractions for visitors to experience
Key trends – increases in the number of unlimited tickets, family tickets and free under 5 tickets being purchased. Growth in terms of full time equivalent employees.
Market research – including awareness, visitor motivations and interests, size of groups and new attractions
Members thanked the Director for a very informative presentation.
That the details contained within the presentation be noted.
4 Exclusion of the Public
That under Section 100 A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the said Act.
5 Business and Operational Improvement Plan – Capital Programme Project Report No. 8
The Joint Committee received a report from the Museum Director that provided an update on the variations and funding for Capital Projects (for copy see file of Minutes).
That the report be noted.
6 Long Term Business Plan Development
The Joint Committee received a report from the Museum Director that summarised reports and studies carried out by the Museum in order to develop a business and development plan for 2013 – 2025 (for copy see file of Minutes).
That the report be noted.
Supporting documents: