Agenda item

Risk Register Update 2011/12

Risk Register 2011/12 – Update.


The Head of Finance (Financial Services), presented the report which provided an update on the current position of the Risk Register for the Central Durham Crematorium, in accordance with the arrangements established for the routine reporting of risk issues (for copy, see file of Minutes).


The Joint Committee were advised that a new risk had been added to the Service Risk Register; Risk 18 “Pre-Payment Bond premium is not sufficient to cover future fees” and the Head of Finance (Financial Services) clarified the reasons for establishing that new risk.  Members were advised that the risk would be continually monitored and altered if deemed necessary.


The Joint Committee were pleased to note that a robust risk management system was in place.




(i)                             That the content of the report and the updated position following the January review be noted;

(ii)                           That the Risk Registers be kept up to date and continue to be reviewed by the Joint Committee on a half yearly basis, the next one to be completed in June 2012.


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