Agenda item

Co-Opted Members of the Standards Committee


The Committee considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer to update Members on the existing nomination arrangements for the Town and Parish Council co-opted representatives and to consider a proposal to engage in a workshop to identify future arrangements (for copy, see file of minutes).


Town Councillor Batson referred to the importance of the Standards Committee and the standards in public service today were becoming more and more apparent. He felt that sufficient weight was not being given to the Standards nationally. He referred to the number of complaints from parish councils and that the message was not getting to the elected members. The message needed to be given that elected members had no powers and that it was the parish council that made the decisions and that there were standards that they had to abide by and adopt.


The Governance Solicitor indicated that there had been a number of complaints where a local resolution had been recommended and there is a standing opportunity for parish and town councils to receive code of conduct and standards training. It was also confirmed that in 2022 a training session will be delivered in partnership with County Durham Association of Local Councils to Town and Parish Councillors on the topic of interests.


Councillor Atkinson referred to town and parish council meetings and from his experience the standing orders should be followed and that this would apply to all councillors.


Resolved: (i) That a workshop be held with members of the Standards Committee and County Durham Association of Local Councils facilitated by the Monitoring Officer to consider arrangements for co-opted Members to the Standards Committee.


(ii) That the outcome of the workshop and revised arrangements are reported back to a future meeting of the Standards Committee for approval.

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