The Committee considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer which provided an update on the activity since the last meeting in respect of complaints received by Durham County Council against Councillors (for copy of report, see file of Minutes).
The Governance Solicitor advised Members that two further Code of Conduct Complaints had been resolved since the production of the report. These were in respect of COM 354, 357, 361, 362, 365, 367, 370 and 372. A decision notice had been issued recommending local resolution with nine recommendations which included training on various areas to be delivered by the Governance Solicitor and the Monitoring Officer and a review of local practices and procedures in conjunction with County Durham Association of Local Councils and mediation. In respect of COM 358 a decision notice had been issued recommending local resolution for a policy to be implemented.
Training had been provided and delivered as set out in the report.
Town Councillor Batson referred to the ‘Good Councillor Guide’ and suggested that members should be required to read the guide to enable them to participate at council meetings. He then indicated that Standards don’t really have any sanctions so there was no deterrent. In the past the sanctions were meaningful, and pressure needed to be put on MPs to address this.
Councillor Atkinson referred to councillor guidance publications and noted that some of these are the authors own interpretation and guidance rather than rules.
Resolved: That the report be noted.
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