Agenda item

Nuisance Motorbikes and Quads - Time Limited Action Plan

(i)       Report of Corporate Director of Resources

(ii)      Presentation by Public Protection Manager and Durham Constabulary


The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which provided background information on partnership activity through a time limited action plan to address concerns with nuisance motorbikes and quads within County Durham (for copy of report and presentation, see file of minutes).


The Public Protection Manager gave a presentation, highlighting the following areas:


·      Operation Endurance;

·      Powers;

·      Challenges;

·      TLP Objectives;

·      Key Messages and Actions;

·      Outcomes.


Councillor Boyes expressed that this was a significant issue across the county and felt that communities were losing confidence with the authority in relation to the ongoing issues with off-road bikes. He described incidents where the Police were unable to take action and had concerns that communities believed that offenders were allowed to get away without prosecution and felt untouchable. He added that until government introduce national legislation, the issue would continue to blight communities in County Durham. The Public Protection Manager acknowledged people’s frustration and continued to encourage people to report incidents. He added that despite limitations, the team were committed to improving the situation and were exploring different opportunities in relation to housing tenancy.


Responding to a query from Councill P Atkinson in relation to criteria for deploying cameras in hotspot areas, the Public Protection Manager advised that instances are reported through the Multi Agency Problem Solving Groups and high zoom cameras which provides quality images to identify individuals are now portable and can be deployed in particular areas of concern.


Councillor J Quinn asked if additional action could be taken against individuals whose vehicle are seized. He understood that currently individuals can pay the release fee and receive the vehicle back immediately. He added that some riders had a blasé attitude and incidents were being reported and offenders identified, however felt no action had been taken.


The Public Protection Manager advised that a more proactive intervention can be taken when individuals are identified and he would explore what action had been taken against individuals in terms of intervention.


Responding to Councillor J Quinn query in relation to electric scooters, the Public Protection Manager confirmed that electric scooters were legal to purchase and other authorities had taken part in trial hire schemes which was not an issue if they are used responsibly. He explained the concerns were in relation to modified scooters that were being used irresponsibly that were causing greater risk to the public and road users.


Councillor Deinali asked if there had been a positive impact in relation to the use of long lens cameras. The Public Protection Manager advised that it was anticipated that the new cameras would provide improvements, however figures were not currently available.



That the report and presentation be noted.


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