Agenda item

Community Protection Service

(i)       Report of Corporate Director of Resources

(ii)      Presentation by Head of Community Protection Service


The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which provided background information on community protection within County Durham (for copy of report and presentation, see file of minutes).


The Public Protection Manager gave a presentation, highlighting the following areas:


·      Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) Strategy;

·      Key Priorities;

·      Enhanced reporting arrangements;

·      Partnership working including Crime and Antisocial Behaviour Risk Assessment Conference (CASBRAC);

·      Impacts and Outcomes;

·      CCTV, Body cams and Antisocial Behaviour App;

·      Place based approach and problem solving;

·      Area Based Interventions.


Councillor J Quinn praised the Community Action Team for the improvements they have made to Ferryhill. He raised concerns in relation to CCTV cameras not working in his area, which had only been identified following a request from the Police to review footage. He asked that Councillor’s be notified if cameras were not working in future. The Public Protection Manager was disappointed this had happened and advised that the Partnership Team should be aware if CCTV cameras were not operational so they can arrange to have the unit repaired or replaced.


Councillor P Atkinson noted the considerable difference the Community Action Team intervention had made to the Ferryhill area and asked if there were plans to roll out the ‘Horden Together Project’ to other communities. The Public Protection Manager advised that lessons learned from the ‘Horden Together Project’ would feed into the wider Durham Together Programme and added that the Anti-social Behaviour App was in the process of being tested and would be rolled out shortly.


Councillor Cairns queried when the selective licensing scheme would be implemented and raised concerns regarding the lack of youth provision and the antisocial behaviour links between generations. The Public Protection Manager advised that communication in relation to selective licensing would be circulated shortly and acknowledged that a lot more work was required in relation to youth provision. He was working closely with Superintendent Bickford and colleagues in Children’s Services to tackle the issue and noted that progress had been made in relation to projects and interventions. He referred to the next steps, where they would be looking at diversional activities and adult provision.


Councillor Boyes noted that previously, the Selective Licensing Scheme had proven to reduce antisocial behaviour significantly which was primarily due to more control in relation to landlords. It was noted since the pandemic, there had been a reduced police presence on the streets and hoped that issues would start to improve when PACT meetings resumed. He raised concerns in relation to communicating information, highlighting he was not aware of the Safer Streets Initiative in Easington until weeks into the programme and was unable to help signpost the scheme to improve uptake. He praised the work of the Community Action Team, however felt that when the team leave, the situation reverts back within 6 months. The Public Protection Manager advised that he would provide further information with regards to the Selective Licensing Scheme and circulate to Members. He agreed that the work Community Action Teams do in communities was very effective and suggested that further communications be developed around engagement and motivation to ensure progress continues after the team move on.


Councillor Hampson commented on the excellent youth provision in her area, however, there was a small cohort of young people who are not willing to engage in the youth provision provided. The Public Protection Manager recognised that not everyone would engage and advised that work is being undertaken with Children’s Services to engage more with families as a more appropriate intervention to tackle behaviour and try to avoid the enforcement route.


The Chair requested that regular updates on the Community Protection Services be presented to the Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Superintendent Bickford suggested he would stay back after the meeting to address any issues of concern that members have. The Overview and Scrutiny Officer added that the Committee’s comments on this item and the previous agenda item Nuisance Motorbikes and Quads - Time Limited Action Plan would be forwarded to the Safe Durham Partnership, Cabinet Portfolio holder and Council Service Grouping.



That the report and presentation be noted.


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