Agenda item

Definitive Map Modification Orders Statement of Priorities


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change with regards to a method for determining priorities for Definitive Map Modification Order work (for copy see file of minutes).


The Access and Rights of Way Team Leader advised that the most recent number of applications submitted was in excess of 260, however more had already been added since that number was reported.  The recommendation in the report would bring structure to the work programme and clarity on the timescales to applicants and landowners.


It was also important to have an approved system for priorities in order to respond to applicants as to why their application had not been dealt with.  Applicants had a right to go to the Secretary of State after a year, who would expect to see a system for prioritising.  Without an appropriate system, the Council were at greater risk of a direction from the SoS and although nobody had exercised this right yet, it was conceivable given the number of applications and the timescales.


In terms of annual progress, Access and Rights of Way Team Leader confirmed that the Committee would receive a progress report.  Applications without objections could be dealt with using delegated powers.  The Committee did not have powers to have the final decision on this report, but if they endorsed the recommendation, delegated authority would be sought through the scheme of officer delegations.


The Chair asked what proportion of the 280 applications could be delegated to officers and the Access and Rights of Way Team Leader advised that the initial response by the land owner to most applications was that they would immediately contact officers to object.  As time progressed, it was impossible to predict how many of those objections would be sustained but on the basis of the reaction so far, 60-70% would likely need to be brought to committee. 


The Chair asked whether there would continue to be a steady stream of applications and the Access and Rights of Way Team Leader advised that the British Horse Society, were still researching and finding evidence.  This was not to say that the strength of the evidence would meet the test required, but they were still submitting applications. 


The Chair asked whether there was any way of speeding up the process as the frequency of the meeting had already increased.  The Access and Rights of Way Team Leader advised that applications would be grouped together where same landowner and hopefully the use of delegated powers would deal with some of the simpler cases.


In response to a final question from the Chair regarding the proposed criteria, the Access and Rights of Way Team Leader advised that there was no ranking of the criteria in terms of importance.


Councillor Kay appreciated the logic behind the report and moved the recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Wilson.




That the recommendation be approved.

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