Report of the Corporate Director of Resources
The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director Resources which presented an overview of progress towards achieving the key outcomes of the council’s corporate performance framework and highlight key messages to inform strategic priorities and work programmes for the period July to September 2021 (for copy see file of Minutes).
The Corporate Scrutiny and Strategy Manager explained that the performance report was structured around three components and also included and overview of the continuing impact of COVID-19 on council services, staff and residents.
In addition, the report highlights key performance areas for concern and highlights were included within the report including detail on More and Better Jobs, Connected Communities, the impact of COVID-19 and overall risk management.
Mrs R Morris, Co-optee asked with regards to the percentage of young people not in education or training, whether the council were looking to address this poor performance and revise its current strategy. In response the Corporate Scrutiny and Strategy Manager advised that he would take this back to the relevant service and provide a response to Mrs Morris directly.
That the contents of the report be noted.
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