Agenda item

Independent Co-Opted Members of the Police and Crime Panel


The Panel considered a report of the Monitoring Officer and Clerk to the Police and Crime Panel on the proposed recruitment of an Independent Co-opted Member of the Police and Crime Panel (for copy see file of minutes).


The Governance Solicitor, Kamila Coulson-Patel noted the Panel consisted of 12 Members, seven Durham County Councillors, three Darlington Borough Councillors and two Independent Co-opted Members.  She explained as regards the background to the vacancy, the process in terms of advertising, and the Panel appointing an Appointment Panel from its Membership, comprising at least one Member of each of the constituent Local Authorities to undertake the recruitment and selection, after which the Chair and Vice Chair would make a recommendation to the Panel on the appointment.




(i)   That the recruitment process as set out within the report for the appointment of an Independent Co-opted Member be agreed.

(ii)  That the composition of an Appointment Panel to conduct the recruitment process be agreed.

(iii) That the Panel receive a recommendation of the Appointment Panel at a future meeting on the proposed appointment.


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