Agenda item

3/2010/0333 - Westgate Filling Station, Westgate

Re-submission of 3/2009/0459 – 2 no. two bedroom apartments and 2 no. two – three bedroom duplexes


Re-submission of 3/2009/0459 – 2 no. two bedroom apartments and 2 no. two – three bedroom duplexes


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application, a copy of which had been circulated.


A Caines, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site.


Councillor Shuttleworth stated that local residents were not against the principle of development on the site but considered that the proposed building was out of character with other properties in Westgate. In addition 6 car parking spaces were not enough for the number of units proposed. He asked that Members visit the site before making a decision.


In deliberating the application Members discussed density of the site, the provision of an on-site recreation area and surface water drainage. Members also discussed the merits of visiting the site but concluded that a decision could be made on the photographs and information provided by the Officer as part of his presentation.


In response to Members comments the Principal Planning Officer stated that other than the dormer windows which were small in scale and did not dominate the roof area, the design of the building was typical of other dwellings in the vicinity. The scale of the development was considered reasonable, and made good use of the site. He advised that surface water drainage would not be an issue as the majority of the site was currently hardstanding and the proposal included a grassed area to the front and side of the development. With regard to recreation the development was on the edge of Westgate and would benefit from easy access to the open countryside.


In relation to parking provision the Principal Highways Officer stated that the development proposed 1.5 spaces per dwelling. This was in accordance with Council guidelines and was therefore deemed to be acceptable in highway terms.


Following discussion it was RESOLVED


That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.

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