Agenda item

Quarterly Performance and Operational Report

Report of the Bereavement Services Manager and Registrar


The Joint Committee considered a report of the Bereavement Services Manager and Registrar which provided an update relating to performance and other operational matters (for copy see file of minutes).


The Neighbourhood and Protection Manager provided a summary of the performance figures from 1 September 2021 to 31 December 2021 in comparison to the same period for the previous year. It was noted there had been 106 more cremations undertaken compared to the same period last year. There had also been an increase of 16 memorials sold, however there was a small decrease in the value of memorials.


It was noted that an application would be submitted for the 2022 Green Flag Award and progress would be reported to a future meeting.


Referring to the Recycling of Metals Scheme, it was reported that the nominated charity, Chyrelle Addams Cancer Support Trust had received £15,000 from the scheme on the 16 December 2021. The Neighbourhood and Protection Manager asked members to note that the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management had been asked to review the value of money awarded to allow more charities to benefit from the scheme.


A review of weekend and Bank Holiday opening hours for the crematorium had concluded and it was proposed that Sunday and Bank Holiday opening times change in line with times on a Saturday.


An update was provided in relation to the Service Level Agreements (SLA) in relation to Cleaning Services. The Joint Committee were asked to consider and approve the revised SLA for the period April 2022 to March 2024, costing £10,205 per year (a 3.6% increase on the recharges levied in 2021/22), which would include all labour and materials required to carry out the cleaning activities.


Referring to the Water Fountain maintenance, the Neighbourhood and Protection Manager advised that Durham County Council’s Commercial Services Team could provide maintenance by way of a Service Level Agreement (SLA). The price quoted was £10,943 per year, which would include all labour and materials required to carry out the activities identified.


Members were advised that St Cuthbert’s Hospice had requested that they be allowed to continue to provide a Christmas Tree at Durham Crematorium for 2022.




(i)         That the current performance of the crematorium be noted;

(ii)       That the continued success with regards to the Green Flag Award be noted;

(iii)   That the updated position with regards to the recycling of metals

        Scheme be noted;

(iv)      That the revised changes to opening times be approved;

(v)       That the SLA with regards to the cleaning of the crematorium be approved;

(vi)      That the SLA with regards to the cleaning of the water fountains at the crematorium be approved;

(vii)    That the request for St Cuthbert’s Hospice to provide a Christmas tree for 2022 be agreed.



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