Agenda item

Consett Parking & Waiting Restrictions Amendment Order 2021


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which advised of the proposed changes to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in Consett and requested that they consider the objections made during the informal and formal consultation period (for copy see file of minutes).


The Traffic Management Section Manager gave a detailed presentation which included site location plans, aerial photos and photographs of the sites and details of the following restriction:


·        To introduce ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions (double yellow lines) on the south west side of Victoria Road (rear) for the full extent to address access, visibility and road safety concerns due to occasions where vehicles were parked on both sides of the road restricting access. Two objections were received in the informal consultation phase.


·        To introduce ‘restricted waiting and loading’ restrictions (Mon-Fri 08.30-09.30 & 14.30-15.30) on both sides of Waterfront Gardens where the pedestrian access is from St Patrick’s RC Primary School to address access, visibility, and road safety concerns during school gate drop off/ pick up. The route is used by students from two schools (St Patrick’s Primary and Consett Academy) in the vicinity. Three objections were received in the informal consultation phase.



Councillor Watson, local member, addressed the Committee in support of the restrictions. He referred to Waterfront Gardens and agreed that restrictions needed to be introduced due to irresponsible parking. He gave examples of resident’s driveways being blocked during school drop off and pick up times and that this had led to threats of violence. He stated that in future, parking should be provided for any new school building to reduce the impact on residents. In relation to Victoria Road, he advised that the rear of this road had always experienced issues and that the introduction of double yellow lines would address these. He confirmed that he was happy with the officer’s recommendation.


Councillor Boyes referred to the school drop off and pick up and asked Councillor Watson whether St Patricks RC Primary attracted people outside of the catchment area due to the school being Roman Catholic and asked if there was an alternative area where they could park instead.


In response, Councillor Watson advised that the school served a larger area with the school being Roman Catholic but that some people insisted on bringing their car when the short distance to the school could be walked. 


Councillor Tinsely commented that from experience a change in parking regulations at schools could have a positive impact on the area. He stated there was no sustainable reason to object to the proposal and moved the recommendation to be approved.


Councillor Sterling agreed with the comments from Councillor Watson and advised that she had similar issues in her area with regards to schools and parking. She stated that Consett was not a built-up area in comparison to Durham City Centre and that there would be alternative areas to park. She seconded the recommendation to approve. 




That the proposal, in principle, to amend the Consett Parking and Waiting Restrictions Order be endorsed.


Supporting documents: