Agenda item

Creation of Head of Service roles - Regeneration, Economy and Growth - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth


The Council considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, and Growth that sought approval to create two new Head of Service roles within the Regeneration, Economy and Growth Directorate which in accordance with the Council’s Pay Policy required Full Council approval due to the salary of the posts.


Moved by Councillor E Scott, Seconded by Councillor Rowlandson.


Councillor C Marshall informed Council that these were exceptional times for Council and communities and considered this to be the wrong time to be creating such posts.  He was opposed to the proposal at this time and urged all Members to vote against the recommendation.  Seconded by Councillor Adam.


A named vote was requested and agreed.


For the recommendation

Councillors B Bainbridge, A Bell, C Bell, R Bell, J Blakey, D Brown, L Brown, J Cairns, J Charlton, I Cochrane, J Cosslett, B Coult, M Currah, T Duffy, J Elmer, D Freeman, P Heaviside, T Henderson, L Holmes, C Hood, A Hopgood, J Howey, C Hunt, G Hutchinson, A Jackson, N Jones, P Jopling, C Lines, L Maddison, C Martin, E Mavin, L Mavin, S McDonnell, M McGaun, B Moist, J Nicholson, D Oliver, R Ormerod, E Peeke, R Potts, J Quinn, A Reed, G Richardson, K Robson, K Rooney, J Rowlandson, E Scott, P Sexton, A Shield, J Shuttleworth, M Simmons, A Simpson, M Stead, W Stelling, D Stoker, T Stubbs, D Sutton-Lloyd, M Walton, A Watson, M Wilkes and S Zair.


Against the recommendation

Councillors E Adam, R Adcock-Forster, V Andrews, J Atkinson, P Atkinson, A Batey, K Batey, G Binney, R Charlton-Lainé, R Crute, S Deinali, L Fenwick, C Fletcher, O Gunn, C Hampson, A Hanson, S Henig, J Higgins, L Hovvels, M Johnson, C Kay, B Kellett, R Manchester, C Marshall, B McAloon, D McKenna, M McKeon, I McLean, S McMahon, J Miller, D Nicholls, P Pringle, J Purvis, S Quinn, I Roberts, S Robinson, K Shaw, T Smith, A Surtees, P Taylor, F Tinsley, S Townsend, C Varty, E Waldock, M Wilson, S Wilson, D Wood and R Yorke.



Councillor P Molloy.



That the report be approved.

Supporting documents: