Agenda item

Inclusive Economic Strategy

(i)                Report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth

(ii)              Presentation by Regeneration Policy Team Leader and Spatial Policy Manager, Regeneration, Economy and Growth



The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director Regeneration, Economy and Growth which provided an overview of the process that was being followed to develop a new Inclusive Economic Strategy for the council (for copy of report and slides of presentation see file of Minutes).


The Spatial Policy Manager provided a detailed presentation which highlighted the purpose of the Inclusive Strategy and its role in:

·      Balancing economic growth with the need to reduce carbon emissions

·      Define priorities for growth

·      Enhance and create opportunities

·      Align with the County Durham Vision 2035

·      Demonstrate levelling-up needs

·      Support county deal negotiations

·      Support the development of an Investment Plan for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund


The presentation also provided detail on the 3-stage development process which had been agreed by Cabinet in December, noting that the final stage to complete was the Inclusive Economic Strategy which would be developed based upon ‘Our Big Econ-versation’ and would also reflect the evidence in the Economic Review. Some examples of the findings were included in the presentation for information.


The Spatial Policy Manager went on to provide details of the proposed framework all of which had the bigger objective of supporting he planet. They were as follows:

·      People

·      Prosperity

·      Places

·      Promotion

·      Partnerships


It was explained that the Big Econ-versation would run from January to 22 April 2022, with consultation on the strategy expected during the Summer to Autumn with adoption of the strategy in Late 2022. Examples of the events already held and those planned were detailed in the presentation along with some of the feedback already received.


The Chair thanked the Spatial Policy Manager for his presentation. He went on to add that he felt it of crucial importance Economy & Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee were involved in every stage of the process and commented that reference had been to a Steering Group for the strategy and he requested that the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee is represented on that group.



Councillor Surtees added that she felt it would have been beneficial for scrutiny to have sight of the survey before it had gone out as she found that some of the topics would be totally alien to many people and she worried that they may struggle to engage as a result.


In response the Spatial Policy Manager advised that the survey was supported by a facilitation pack, including a simplified document of questions. In addition, the information hosted on the website had been produced in plain English.


Councillor Surtees continued that the consultation needs to be done correctly and for this to happen, whatever literature is used as part of the consultation process needs to get local people engaged.


Councillor Miller commented that he felt that public transport was such a huge part of this conversation, the key role that it plays in growing the economy and jobs, good public transport provision is essential for residents to access employment.  He continued by asking how big an impact would it have if County Hall remained on the Aykley Heads site.


Councillor Moist commented that it had been confirmed earlier in the meeting that the Aykley Heads site is still a strategic site.


R Morris, Co-opted Member commented upon the climate agenda, the profound questions this raised, science innovation, job security noting that all of which would help determine the direction of travel.


Further discussion ensued regarding the way in which the information had been shared and given that some members were not aware of this, Councillor Batey noted her concern as to whether this would be picked up by all organisations, noting that she was not aware that Parish Council’s or AAPs in her area had yet received the information.


The Spatial Policy Manager advised that it was to be circulated to parish councils via CDALC. In addition, all AAPs were being visited.


Councillor Cairns noted that she agreed that the survey should have been shared before it was published, however despite that it was really important now that members pushed this, encouraged feedback and where possible got children involved. 




That the content of the report and presentation be noted and comments and feedback received fed into ‘Our Big Econ-versation’.


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