Report of the Corporate Director of Resources
The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which presented an overview of progress towards achieving the key outcomes of the council’s corporate performance framework and highlighted key messages to inform strategic priorities and work programme for the period in and to the end of quarter three, October to December 2021 (for copy see file of Minutes).
G Wilkinson, Strategy Team Leader provided a detailed presentation of the key performance highlights including those relating to More and Better Jobs and Connected Communities covering both the latest position in relation to local, regional and national and Council Services.
Councillor Reed asked in relation to the satisfaction of the condition of highways, whether unclassified roads were included in the maintenance programme. In response the Strategy Team Leader advised unclassified roads were included within the planned maintenance, however she would need to refer this question to the service for a more detailed response, she would also ask for the definition and figure on the number of unclassified roads to be clarified, further to a question from Councillor Jackson.
That the content of the report be noted.
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