Agenda item

Definitive Map Modification Order Application for Acton Road South Bedburn


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change with regards to an application to modify the Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way by the addition of a Bridleway which ran from Cloudlam Rake, located at the northwest side of Hamsterley Forest leading south - southeast towards Pennington Rake and continuing south to the west side of Plantation (for copy see file of minutes).


The Definitive Map Officer advised that the application had been submitted in 2019 and was supported by Councillor Potts.  The main objection was from the landowner, Forestry England due to the site being located within a plantation and they had assumed that a footpath would need to be created however, there was flexibility within the enclosure award which would allow a similar route to be re-established without the need to remove trees.


Ms B Herd advised that the landowner had given permission for riders to use various routes, however there was no right of way should there be any change in management and therefore the British Horse Society were trying to ensure that those that could be legally recognised were applied for and added to the definitive map.


In response to a question from Councillor Duffy about the position of the route, Ms Herd confirmed that this was a matter for the Council if the principle of the route was accepted however she felt that it was important that the history was reflected, and the route went past the old Currick.


Councillor Wood moved approval as per the recommendation and was pleased that the Council was willing to work with the Forestry Commission on the proposed route.


Councillor Jopling noted that the area was heavily planted and queried whether any trees would need to be removed.  The Definitive Map Officer advised that it was working plantation and there were areas which were already PROW and the route needed to be applied for on the historic protectory of the route, however the wording did give flexibility and the Forestry Commission would be consulted.


Councillor Duffy seconded the proposal.




That the recommendation be approved.

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