Agenda item

Declarations of Interest


The Chair, Councillor D Freeman noted in respect of Item 5a, that he was a Member of the City of Durham Parish Council, however, he was not a member of their Planning Committee and had not been party to their submission in objection to the application.  He noted in respect of Items 5a and 5e that he was also a Member of the City of Durham Trust, however he was not a Trustee and had not been party to their submissions in objection to the applications. 


The Vice-Chair, Councillor S Deinali noted in respect of Item 5d, she was a Local Member and Member of the Monk Hesleden Parish Council, however, she was not a member of their Planning Committee and had not had any input in respect of applications.


Councillor J Elmer noted he had submitted objections to Item 5a and accordingly he would withdraw from the Chamber during the consideration of the application.


Councillor C Kay noted, in respect of the Item 5c, that he knew the applicant and had previously stored a vehicle at premises owned by the applicant.  He asked the Solicitor for advice.  The Lawyer (Planning and Highways), Neil Carter advised that it would be best for Councillor C Kay to withdraw during the consideration of the item.  Councillor C Kay noted he would withdraw from the meeting during that item.


Councillor C Marshall noted, in respect of Items 5c and 5e, that he was familiar with the applications through his previous role as a Cabinet Member, however, he had no preconceived opinion and would have an open mind in respect of the decision making.



Councillor J Elmer left the meeting at 9.35am