Agenda item

Public Space Protection Order - Durham City - Report of Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhood Services which provided an overview of the powers, benefits and risks available under a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) and sought agreement to a consultation exercise being carried out on proposed?new?behaviours and actions to be included in the existing Public Space Protection Order to help control aggressive / anti-social type begging in Durham City (for copy of report see file of minutes).


Joy Allen, Police and Crime Commissioner for Durham addressed cabinet members having been invited to share her views on the consultation of the introduction of an order. She referenced the introduction of an order in another area of the police force area and explained how this had worked. She believed by adding this to the existing range of tools and powers would give the police and council officers the additional enforcement options to enable them to tackle aggressive and anti-social begging and help to reduce the fear of crime and make the city safer and stronger. She welcomed the consultation on the order.


Councillor Shuttleworth in moving the recommendations advised of the consultation that would take place to determine appetite for this and welcomed the views of the Police and Crime Commissioner. Councillors Scott and Wilkes also advised of their support for the consultation and looked forward to seeing the responses.




That the recommendations in the report be approved.


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