Agenda item

Review of Community Engagement and Funding Processes - Report of Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change which outlined a planned review of the community engagement and funding processes currently provided by Area Action Partnerships (AAPs) and set out the scope of the review, governance arrangement and proposed timescales for its completion (for copy of report see file of minutes).


The Leader advised that Councillor Surtees had submitted questions on the report however as she had not presented a written response would be provided to the member.



Councillor Scott in moving the recommendations in the report advised of the importance of the review, it would help ensure the councils community work going forward, and how to reach those not engaged in the current position. She advised that it was timely for a review of its governance structures, and that work will focus on the future. Initial soundings from members had demonstrated that there is appetite for change as well as many positive forward-thinking ideas for a new approach. The AAP staff have also come forward with many positive ideas on how take this forward.


Councillor Sexton advised of his support for the review, its timely and will look forward. The scope will provide for creative thinking.




That the recommendations in the report be approved.


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