Agenda item

Appeal Update


The Committee received a report of the Principal Planning Officer which provided an update on the appeal against approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) relating to planning permission DM/16/00871/OUT for a single dwelling at Plot 14 (No.15) The Pastures, Lanchester, Durham, DH7 0BT (Ref: DM/21/02516/RM). (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning officer provided a presentation which included a site location plan and a site plan/elevation. 


Councillor Brown asked whether any costs were awarded by the Council. The Principal Planning Officer confirmed that no costs had been sought.


In terms of self builds, Councillor Earley asked if there could be a planning brief to indicate to Members what was acceptable.


The Principal Planning Officer confirmed that the type of dwellings deemed acceptable could be defined in the Lanchester Neighbourhood Plan. He advised Members they could ask for certain conditions to be imposed to ensure developments met the needs of the residents affected and that these would need to be considered on a case-by-case basis.


The Senior Planning Officer advised that whilst the appeal was ongoing the applicant submitted a plan which was smaller in scale. He confirmed that both plans were approved by the Inspector and advised that the applicant subsequently chose to proceed with the smaller plan. 




That the report be noted.


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