The Mayor asked Trustees for nominations for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Durham for the Municipal Year 2022/23 prior to their formal appointment at the Annual Meeting.
Moved by Councillor R Ormerod and seconded by Councillor E Mavin, that Councillor David Freeman be nominated Mayor of Durham for the ensuring Municipal Year 2022/23.
Moved by Councillor L Brown and seconded by Councillor J Blakey, that Councillor Lesley Mavin be nominated Deputy Mayor of Durham for the ensuring Municipal Year 2022/23.
(i) That Councillor David Freeman be nominated Mayor of Durham for Municipal Year 2022/23 and be formally appointed at the Annual meeting</AI4>;
(ii) That Councillor Lesley Mavin be nominated Deputy Mayor of Durham for Municipal Year 2022/23 and be formally appointed at the Annual meeting</AI4>.