Agenda item

Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest suCouncillor L Brown noted in respect of Item 5a she was a member of the City of Durham Trust, however she was not a Trustee and had not been party to their submissions in objection to the application.  In respect of Item 5b she noted she was a Member of the City of Durham Parish Council and had been a member of their Planning Committee at the time when they had requested that the application be considered by Committee.  Accordingly, she noted she would withdraw from the meeting at that point and take no part in the consideration of that item. 


She added that the objections that had been made related to access arrangements, however, if the Parish had been reconsulted on revisions to the access arrangements made in October 2021 then the objections would have been withdrawn and the application may not have needed to be considered by Committee.


The Chair, Councillor D Freeman noted in respect of Item 5b that he was a Member of the City of Durham Parish Council, however, he was not a member of their Planning Committee and had not been party to their submission in objection to the application.  He noted he was also a member of the City of Durham Trust, however he was not a Trustee and had not been party to their submissions in objection to the application. 
