Charter Trustees considered a report of the Clerk to the Charter Trustees that sought approval to invite expressions of interest for the vacancy of Recorder (for copy see file of minutes).</AI5>
Charter Trustees discussed various options for seeking expressions of interest from suitable qualified people via professional organisations, voluntary sector, Town and Parish Councils and Area Action Partnerships that cover the Charter Trust area. The Clerk advised that she would notify professional networks and voluntary organisations of the vacancy to generate interest.
Resolved: </AI7>
(i) That the Clerk contact professional bodies and voluntary organisations to seek expressions of interest for the vacancy of Recorder;
(ii) Expressions of interest to be presented in the form of a CV or short statement from the prospective applicant to be presented to the Clerk no later than 14 days before the next meeting of the Trustees;
(iii) That the Clerk present a further report at the next meeting detailing the proposed appointment and voting arrangements.
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