Agenda item

Minutes of the meeting held on 25 March 2022


The minutes of the meeting held on 25 March 2022 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 


The following matters arising were reported.


Item 7 –  The piece of descriptive writing had been shared with the Panel.  The Virtual School Head informed the Panel that she had met with Laura Armstrong, Professional Practice Manager and Robert Johnson, Project Manager for Investing in Children to progress plans to develop the work in collaboration with the young people, to link in with next year’s book festival. 


Item 8 – The film being produced by the young people to raise awareness of sibling groups had been delayed as difficulties had been encountered gaining consent from some of the parties involved. It is hoped that some parts of the film will be available to be shared with the Panel in the near future.


Item 9 -  A briefing note had been circulated to the Panel providing an update on children looked after placed in secure accommodation.


Item 10 – The fostering t.v. advert had been shared with the Panel members to promote on their social media channels.


Item 12 –  The Panel noted that travel costs to and from the Young People’s Hub are being subsidised.  Initial feedback on the use of the Hub is very positive and an evaluation will take place in August to gather young people’s views on the Hub, which will be used for future developments.


Item 13 - The Virtual School Head reported that representatives for the Virtual School Sub-Group will be identified at forthcoming Primary, Secondary and Special Heads meetings.


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