Agenda item

Probation Service

      i.         Report of Corporate Director of Resources

     ii.         Presentation of Head of County Durham and Darlington, HM Prison and Probation Service


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources and presentation of Karen Blackburn, Head of County Durham, and Darlington Probation Service, which provided an overview of delivery of probation services within County Durham following the transition to one probation service in June 2021 (for copy of report and slides of presentation see file of Minutes).


K Blackburn provided details of the work which had been undertaken since the last update to the committee in January 2021, noting that reunification had taken place in June 2021 to bring legacy organisations together to deliver the national Target Operating Model for the Probation Service. She further highlighted the strategic outcomes for HMPPS for the next two years along with priorities to achieve HMPPS outcomes. The presentation also explained the priorities for County Durham outlining the anticipated outcomes and objectives.


Councillor Boyes added that he was pleased that all the services had been brought under one umbrella noting the difficulties experienced under the previous arrangements. In response Karen Blackburn advised that the service was a member of the Safe Durham Partnership Board and this provided a further platform to share the Probation Service’s voice across relevant organisations.   


Mr D Balls added that as a previous serving Magistrate he had huge respect for the Probation Service and felt that in latter years of his service, performance levels had declined and was extremely pleased to learn that reunification had taken place.


Councillor Mavin asked how many cases each Probation Officer was currently carrying. K Blackburn advised that work was still ongoing to equalise this part of the reunification, she noted that whilst caseloads were high, she was confident in the direction of travel.


Councillor Sutton-Lloyd added that in his area there was a strong community and voluntary sector and he welcomed further talks with the Probation Service in these settings.


Councillor Miller commented that speaking from his own experience as a serving Magistrate, he found the Probation Service and the teams operating within the courts to be excellent.


K Blackburn noted the work of the Sentence Liaison teams and thanked Members for their positive feedback.


Resolved: That the content of the report and presentation be noted.


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