Robert Johnson from Investing in Children and Caitlyn and Luke of the Children in Care Council provided an update on the CiCC’s recent activities (for copy of presentation see file).
Caitlyn explained that the CiCC had delivered training to Sunderland University social work students and future foster carers. The training for foster carers included input from two new CiCC members aged 8 and 13, whose participation made a significant impact on the attendees. Luke informed the Panel that feedback from the session was very positive and attendees remarked on how the openness and honesty of the young people had proved very informative. The young people were proud to hear
feedback that their training is as good as that delivered by the professionals.
The young people spoke of how much they are looking forward to welcoming Corporate Parenting Panel Members to the next joint CiCC / Corporate Parenting Panel meeting being held on 12 May. Caitlyn emphasised the value of the attendance of the Corporate Parenting Panel members, saying the young people have many exciting ideas which they would like to share.
The Panel heard a poem written by a young person resident in a Children’s Home which expressed feelings of loneliness. Councillor Robson commented on how the young person’s use of language and vivid detail captured the imagination. The Project Manager for Investing in Children informed the Panel that the staff at the young person’s home are supporting the individual, together with their school, in order to encourage their talent. Councillor Roberts referred to the discussion at the previous meeting on the importance of curating these pieces of work for future reference, saying they may benefit other young people in years to come, who may seek comfort from knowing that others have experienced the same feelings. An agreement was made to circulate a copy of the poem, with the young person’s consent.
Councillor Walton said it was pleasing to see that the young people’s training sessions are attracting such glowing reviews from foster carers, which echoes the sentiments of Corporate Parenting Panel members. The Project Manager for Investing in Children spoke of how proud he is of the young people involved in the training adding that they too, are gaining a great deal from participating, which is empowering them and boosting their confidence.
Councillor Townsend informed the Panel that she and Councillor Deinali had attended the recent National Education Union conference at which a motion was passed to campaign for increased inclusion of looked after young people in the curriculum and more consultation with care experienced young people on messages and language. Updates on progress will be provided.
In response to a request from Councillor Miller for ArtStops artwork to be displayed in bus-stops in his division, the Senior Partnerships Officer agreed to check this with the Professional Practice Manager, as it was understood that this had already been progressed.
The Chair thanked Rob, Caitlyn and Luke for the informative update and she encouraged members to attend the joint CiCC / Corporate Parenting Panel meeting on 12 May at the Sjovall Centre.