Agenda item

Care Leavers Strategy and Action Plan January 2022 - December 2024 - Presentation by Strategic Manager


The Panel received a report and presentation from the Strategic Manager for Looked After and Permanence on the new Strategy for Children in Care and Care Leavers (for copy of report and presentation see file of minutes).  


The Strategic Manager explained the Local Offer and how the Service is committed to co-production of developments through engagement with looked after young people and care leavers, with a group of care leavers meeting to evaluate Durham’s Local Offer, compared with those nationally.   Key priorities for the future include establishing a young person’s Scrutiny Committee to drive the priorities and progress of work.  This will enable the continued co-production of services.


Councillor Miller asked whether the information provided to young people visiting the Young People’s Hub with regard to education, employment and training includes information on vocational qualifications and apprenticeships as well as information relating to further and higher education.  The Head of the Virtual School explained that all young people looked after have an allocated DurhamWorks worker to assist that young person to follow the avenue of their choice, whether that is to develop practical skills, train for new skills or to continue with their education.


Councillor Walton spoke of how useful the ‘You Said, We Did’ approach had been and said she hoped to see this continue in the future.  Referring to the Care Leavers Action Plan she pointed out that the document included references to ‘risk assessments’ and requested that all documents use the agreed ‘young person friendly’ terminology.





The Strategic Manager for Looked After and Permanence informed the Panel that no location had been identified for the next Young People’s Hub and it is hoped that this will be informed by the young people, through their evaluation of the current Hub. In addition, Corporate Parenting Panel Members will be involved, as well as local Members.


In response to a question from the Panel on the role of Young Person’s Advisers, the Strategic Manager for Looked After and Permanence explained their role is to work with the individual to develop all aspects of their plan, including helping the young person to understand their care experience, if they wish to do so, and providing practical support such as help with finance, benefits, relationships, education and employment.  Councillor Deinali asked whether the Strategy included information on the introduction of the new technical qualification, ‘T’ Levels.  The Head of the Virtual School replied that no information was included specifically on ‘T’ Levels, however, the Service works with each young person to develop a bespoke package, with consideration given to all options.




That the report be noted. 


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