Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 148 no. 2, 3 and 4 bedroom two-storey dwellings with associated works.
The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of 148 two, three and four bedroom two-storey dwellings with associated works on land to the rear of The Old Chapel, Colliery Road, Bearpark (for copy see file of Minutes).
A Inch, Strategic Team Leader provided a detailed presentation of the application which included a site location plan, aerial photograph of the site, site photographs, proposed site layout and typical elevations.
Councillor M Wilson local Member addressed the Committee. If approved, the development would be the first major build in the village for over 30 years. Whilst the development was welcomed there were concerns regarding the visibility when turning right off Colliery Road, with extra cars exiting from Colliery Road increasing the chance of an accident taking place. The moving of the site lines and extra signage would certainly help this. The proposed traffic calming measures along Colliery Road were welcomed as this road had caused concern for a number of years. While there had been objections on the development itself the major concern was the increase of traffic on Colliery Road. However, having spoken to officers Councillor Wilson considered all the issues raised about traffic had been addressed. Another concern raised was that access to the development would be through the Bishop Meadows Estate, but this option had now been deleted from the application and was not therefore relevant.
Councillor Wilson considered that the development would benefit the village and may also help retain the first-time buyers who would otherwise need to leave the village in search of affordable property.
Mr Dodds of Gleeson addressed the Committee. The applicant had worked closely with planning officers and consultees on the application which had resulted in no objections from the consultees. The application scored well at the design review stage especially in terms of the elevations and would bring benefits and much needed development to Bearpark.
There were plans to work closely with the adjacent primary school and the Committee was asked to support the officer recommendation for approval.
Councillor C Martin referred to the former employment land which was included as part of the site which was currently vacant and asked whether it was genuine vacant employment land. The Strategic Team Leader replied that he understood it was an estate which had been declining for a number of years and a number of tenants had then moved on. It did not provide modern employment land that was necessarily fit for purpose in terms of the types of buildings and facilities on site.
Councillor Martin agreed that Bearpark was in need of additional new housing and extra regeneration and moved that the application be approved.
Councillor A Bell agreed with Councillor Martin and seconded approval of the application.
Councillor Boyes informed the Committee he was supportive of the application adding that development was needed for communities to be sustainable.
Councillor Higgins considered the application would be an improvement for Bearpark and welcomed the proposed traffic calming measures at the primary school, the contribution to the primary school and improvements to the park. Councillor Higgins supported the application.
Mr Wiltshire addressed the Committee to express concerns of two local residents. The development would bring no new jobs or shops to the village and concerns had been expressed about the highway access onto Auton Stile from Colliery Road which was an already dangerous junction. The health impact of construction traffic passing the local primary school needed to be considered. There were 1,249 houses already for sale within a 5 mile radius of Bearpark and the demand for this development was questioned. There was a belief that planning for the development had already been approved because the affordable housing would boost the Council housing stock.
The Strategic Team Leader replied that a range of off-site highways works were proposed and a Construction Management Plan would minimise the impacts of construction traffic. The site was allocated to meet housing needs and new housing would bring new residents to support existing businesses.
The Planning and Development Solicitor reported that the application had not been approved and was brought to Committee for a decision to be made.
Upon a vote being taken it was
That the application be approved subject to the completion of a Section 106 Obligation to secure the following:
· £219,398 towards open space and recreation in the Electoral Division
· £441,090 towards additional school places at Bearpark Primary School
· £71,484 toward healthcare provision at the Dunelm Medical Practice
· £64,766 toward offsite Biodiversity net gains
· Appropriate on-site affordable housing (19 units – 15 discount market sale units and 4 as an affordable rent product)
and the conditions contained in the report.
Councillor D Boyes left the meeting.
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