Details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 97 dwellings pursuant to outline planning permission DM/20/03070/OUT (amended description).
The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application to provide the details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 97 dwellings pursuant to outline planning permission DM/20/03070/OUT (amended description) on land to the north of Darlington Road, Barnard Castle (for copy see file of Minutes).
The Chair reminded the Committee that the development already had outline planning permission approved and this application provided details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the development.
A Inch, Strategic Team Leader provided a detailed presentation of the application which included a site location plan, aerial photograph of the site, site photographs, proposed site layout and typical elevations.
Councillor Alan Coulthard, Barnard Castle Town Council addressed the Committee. Councillor Coulthard informed the Committee that the Planning Committee at the Town Council had not been involved in this application and reminded the Committee that the outline approval had been granted during Covid and had been considered via Teams so the full impact of the objections were not put as forcefully as they would have been otherwise. The number of objections was 250 plus and not the 34 as stated. Both residents and the Marwood Parish Council were objecting as well as the Town Council. Barnard Castle was a jewel in the area from a tourism point of view and had seen substantial developments over recent years and this development would result in the loss of agricultural land.
The developer was trying to avoid installing substantial drainage on the development by installing a soakaway and SUDS but this as an area which had no natural requirement for a pond and Councillor Coulthard failed to understand why the development would have a stagnant area of water at the bottom of it.
There were objections from the Town Council, objections from the Parish Council, objections from residents and objections to the detail of the proposal.
The Chair reminded Councillor Coulthard that the development had already been granted outline planning permission.
Councillor Pauline Glaster of Marwood Parish Council addressed the Committee. Councillor Glaster asked the Committee to consider the Parish Council’s strong objections to the development that would have a considerable effect on Barnard Castle and its people. The historic market town which attracted levels of tourism all year round as well as a transport route to Teesdale and the North Pennines meant the current road network and infrastructure was constantly compromised with excess traffic, especially along Darlington Road, the A67 and the busy neighbouring area of the A688. Teesdale School, the recently opened Lidl development, the Hub and Bede Road access/exit point all converged on the roundabout at the local service station where there was already frequent queuing at pivotal points throughout the day. The issue of safety was a high priority as Darlington Road was a 30 m.p.h. zone, however this speed was rarely adhered to and was constantly under surveillance from both the police and local speed awareness groups as this was a main traffic route for local schools with very limited safety crossing points. The approach was on a bend with poor visibility which put pedestrians at risk, especially the young and the elderly. Signage and speed restrictions needed to be more prevalent.
This development would result in more pedestrians including families with young children walking alongside a very busy main road and a small central island which did not provide adequate space for a family with a push chair to feel safe when crossing.
Recent new developments had put pressure on local amenities and facilities such as schools, doctors and dental surgeries. This development would add to these issues and people would need to travel further afield to find alternatives which would increase traffic on the roads.
The proposed development was on arable land which was invaluable to local wildlife for natural habitat and had been considerably affected by the construction of Castle Vale development.
This application proposed a walkway for local residents but did not provide recreation seating area to socialise or small play area for children. The past two years had shown the importance to mental health of socialising, as well as fresh air and exercise.
New developments must provide sustainable and affordable homes for young local people at affordable prices to enable them to live where they work.
Privacy at the boundary of the development was requested from neighbouring residents of Castle Vale but appears to have been disregarded.
The Chair informed the Committee that two letters of support had been received and these were read out by the Clerk as follows:
Paula Shepherd
I support this planning application – and ask you to do the same.
As a mother and resident of Barnard Castle, I would like my children to have the opportunity to be able to live in Barnard Castle. Currently local children usually have to move out of the town to buy or rent their first home.
New affordable homes are needed so that Barnard Castle does not just become a retirement town. It needs to be a vibrant town with young families and people. Members will recall Startforth Primary School closed largely because of a lack of children caused by a lack of homes nearby that families could afford to buy or rent.
This project will create nearly 100 jobs during the construction phase, and on-going work for local trades people – including plumbers; electricians; landscapers; gardeners etc. I have a number of friends who have businesses in the town and know how much they have struggled throughout the last year. It seems nonsensical to me to turn away such private investment at this crucial time.
I am sorry I cannot be there in person to make these points but unfortunately, I am at work. I would be very grateful if you could take them into account and vote in favour of this application.
Anne Henderson
I am a resident of Barnard Castle.
I support this application. I have lived in Barnard Castle all of my life and married a local boy and had two daughters.
Both of my daughters came home after university to work locally and were able to each buy their first home, a two bedroomed affordable house on Castle Vale which was built in the field adjacent to this planning application. There were many who didn’t want the houses built there but now the development is established it has proven to be a success. The same people who complained I’ve seen walking their dogs around the lovely outdoor areas.
I have seen over the years many new building developments. Each time plans have been put in there is always a human cry from people trying to resist change. Usually from outsiders that have moved to Barnard Castle or residents who have a nice home and don’t care about others.
Banks Group have listened to our community and they have planned smaller homes, accessible homes, family homes and bungalows in a beautiful setting. I would like to see priority given to local people and the homes be at a fair price.
As the chief officer of a charity for older people and disabled people I can confirm there are not enough bungalows in Barnard Castle for residents needing an accessible home.
This development will bring jobs to our community, will enable our young people to stay in Barnard castle and for older people to downsize from a house to a bungalow.
Both my husband, myself and one of my daughters and her partner would love to purchase a new home on this development.
100 happy families will be the outcome of one field being developed.
I hope you will pass this application today.
Mr C Martin addressed the Committee in support of the application. The applicant, Stonebridge Homes were an established Yorkshire based house builder with a reputation for providing high quality homes. These proposals represented their first scheme in County Durham and were keen to maintain and further emphasise their approach to bring forward development which was attractive, sustainable and created a sense of place.
The principal of the development had already been established and this application related to details regarding layout, scale, appearance and landscape only. In providing these details the proposals were a high quality attractive development which provided a wide variety of family homes including bungalows and affordable homes in a selection of high quality materials which complemented the local vernacular of Barnard Castle. The homes were sustainable and included electric vehicle charging points, some properties would include photovoltaics and there were open spaces which would result in biodiversity net gain and encourage new habitat. The open space was a multi-functional amenity with footpaths, seating areas, dog bins, bird and bat boxes and a community lending library. Jobs would be provided during the construction period and local trades people would be sought and local materials sourced form a nearby quarry.
The applicant met with Barnard Castle Town Council in September 2021 to present the scheme to them and followed this up with emails answering their queries.
Councillor Martin referred to an email sent to Members regarding screening on the proposed development in particular three properties on the site and asked for clarification on this. Mr Martin replied that privacy screening could be provided if this was required.
Councillor Martin suggested that a condition be included for the developers to work with local residents regarding screening at the location referred to.
The Strategic Team Leader informed the Committee that Town and Parish Councils were notified via the weekly planning lists which were circulated.
Councillor McKeon asked whether any traffic calming was planned for the road. Mr Martin replied that the Outline Planning Permission was subject to a s106 agreement which included a traffic scheme on the A67 to the east of the site which may include traffic signs, road markings, bollards and boundary signs and a £5,000 contribution towards funding this scheme. Bus stops were also to be provided to enhance sustainable transport.
The Planning and Development Solicitor informed the Committee that if it was minded to approve the application subject to the condition referred to by Councillor Martin there would need to be some re-writing of the conditions and therefore a need for delegated authority to the Strategic Planning Team to amend the conditions.
Moved by Councillor Martin, Seconded by Councillor A Bell and
That the application be approved and delegated authority be granted to the Strategic Planning Team to amend the conditions as set out.
Supporting documents: