Agenda item

Health Protection Assurance Annual Report


The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Corporate Director of Adults and Health Services and the Director of Public Health which provided an update on health protection assurance arrangements in County Durham and health protection activities over the course of the year (for copy of report see file of minutes).


Councillors Sexton, Shield and Bell in supporting the recommendations in the report advised that this work relies on the excellent collaboration with partners and gave updates on the programmes in place. They commended the extensive work that had been undertaken and the assurances provided on the health protection agenda, and how this had been undertaken while also dealing with the unprecedented demands of the pandemic. Members were pleased to note that despite the pandemic the programme had remained on track as well as it had.  Thanks were made to the Corporate Director, the Director of Public Health, primary care staff and all staff involved for their hard work.




The recommendations in the report be approved.

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