Agenda item

Adopt Coast to Coast - Report and presentation of Head of Service, Adopt Coast to Coast


The Panel received a report and presentation delivered by Paula Gibbons, Head of Adopt Coast to Coast which provided an update on activity of the Durham spoke of the Regional Adoption Agency, during the first year of operation from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 (for copy of report and presentation see file of minutes).


The Head of Service was pleased to report positive performance during the year, with Durham having a 19% conversion rate, from enquiry to approval and a total of 36 applications were in progress at 1 April 2022.  The Panel noted that marketing activity had focused on embedding the brand and the Head of Service informed the Panel as to how they could provide support by following the service on Facebook and by bringing Adopt Coast to Coast into the conversation.  Concluding the presentation, the Head of Service explained the priorities for 2022-23, including specific marketing campaigns for sibling groups and young people with additional health and / or developmental needs.  The Head of Adopt Coast to Coast responded to questions and comments as follows.


·      In response to an observation from the Panel that the percentage figure for the number of same-sex couples appeared low, the Head of Service pointed out that whilst the percentage figure appeared to be low, the number of same-sex couple adopters was increasing, which reflects the national trend. 

The Head of Service referred to recent social media activity which aims to dispel the misconception that same-sex couples cannot adopt.  


·      In terms of developing the market activity, the Panel referred to the importance of reaching out to communities through partnership working such as police and community partnerships, Area Action Partnerships and town and parish councils.  The Head of Service responded that community engagement will be increasingly important in the future as the opportunities for engagement return to normal, following the COVID-19 pandemic.


·      The Head of Service clarified there were approximately 30 children with placement orders currently awaiting adoption and, as all adoption agencies use different methods of conversion, no accurate data was available as to how the region’s conversion rate compares nationally.  The Head of Service spoke of her intention to raise the issue of benchmarking at the next leader’s group meeting. 




That the report be noted.


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