Agenda item

To elect a Chair for the ensuing year


Moved by Councillor R Bell, Seconded by Councillor Sexton that Councillor B Bainbridge be elected Chair for the ensuing year.


Moved by Councillor Tinsley, Seconded by Councillor McKeon that Councillor O Gunn be elected Chair for the ensuing year.


Upon a vote being taken it was:



That Councillor Bainbridge be elected to the Office of Chair of the Council for the ensuing year.


Councillor B Bainbridge subscribed the Statutory Declaration accepting the Office.


Councillor Stelling vacated the Chair.


Councillor B Bainbridge in the Chair


In accepting the Office of Chair of the Council Councillor Bainbridge informed Council that it would be an honour and privilege to carry out such a role.  Councillor Bainbridge informed the Council that the charities of her choice would be The Great North Children’s Hospital Foundation and Haswell and District Mencap.