The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change with regards to an application to modify the Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way (PRoW) by adding a public footpath that branches away from PRoW 87, heading West along the north side of Thornhope Beck, to join PRoW 81 in the Parish of Wolsingham (for copy see file of minutes).
Councillor Savory, local member addressed the Committee in support of the application. She explained that evidence had been received from 31 individuals and of whom 16 confirmed that they had used the path for more than 20 years, demonstrating that it was a permissive path. She noted Wolsingham was a close-knit village and residents felt privileged to live there and enjoyed the open countryside. She advised that the former landowner had not taken any steps to prevent the use of the path. She was happy for the application to be approved in line with the officer’s recommendation and urged the Committee to agree.
Councillor Wood commented that the evidence received sufficiently demonstrated that the path had been used as a public right of way and moved the application to be approved in line with the officer’s recommendation. Councillor Manchester seconded this.
That the recommendation be approved.
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