Agenda item

Consideration of the Ongoing Suitability of a Joint Driver


Consideration was given to the report of the Licensing Enforcement Officer which requested the Sub-Committee to consider the ongoing suitability of a Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver (for copy see file of Minutes).


Members were informed that the Licence Holder was not in attendance. The Licensing Enforcement Officer advised that an e-mail had been received from the Licence Holder on 1 June 2022 explaining why he was unable to attend, and requesting an adjournment.


Members considered the content of the e-mail and were not convinced by the Licence Holder’s reasons for his non-attendance.




That the matter be adjourned and listed for the next scheduled Sub-Committee on 21 June 2022. Should the Licence Holder fail to attend on 21 June 2022 the Sub-Committee determined that the hearing shall proceed in his absence.