The Chair asked that his thanks be placed on record for the refreshments which had been provided by S Walker, Humanists NE.
L Burton commented that she felt that the lack of refreshments provided for SACRE by Durham County Council showed a lack of appreciation for the work and role of the volunteers on SACRE.
The Chair then welcomed B Dunn to provide an update on the working group and evaluation of the Agreed Syllabus.
B Dunn advised that the group were focusing on a 4-stage approach, looking at evaluation of the syllabus, how we as SACRE develop this and identifying training needs as an ongoing process. It was noted that it would be beneficial to SACRE to invited C Robson to a future meeting to discuss how to successfully deliver the agreed syllabus.
P Hodgson, Education Durham noted that despite C Robson recently changing jobs, she had indicated that she would be willing to continue to support SACRE and he could arrange for this to take place at a future meeting.
The Chair asked whether any update could be provided regarding the application from the Humanist Co-opted member to become a full SACRE member. P Hodgson advised that there was quite a lengthy process which had to take place in order change the Council’s Constitution, and he would take all appropriate steps to progress this before the next meeting. In addition, work would be ongoing to address vacancies as identified through the ongoing process of evaluation.
Resolved: That the matters arising be noted.