Agenda item

Chairs Comments


The Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education received an update from the Chair on the following matters for information.


NASACRE Annual Conference – this had been attended by two of the SACRE members, though not representing Durham SACRE who unfortunately were not in attendance at the meeting but had forwarded some reflections and thoughts following the session.


He further advised that regional hub leads for were being appointed by RE Today on a 24 days per year contract and this was something to be aware of going forward.


In addition, he noted that he had circulated a document to the working group (Draft Handbook Religion and Worldviews in the Classroom: developing a worldviews approach). A link could also be found to view the document online in the Education Durham report.


The Chair advised that in May 2021 and RE Research Review had been published by Ofsted and noted that another document looking at the quality of RE curriculums should be available soon. He suggested that this may be of interest to SACRE, and would make this available to SACRE when it was published.


L Burton asked whether any further information was available on the role of the Regional Hub Leads. The Chair provided some detail form the job description noting that they would be available for support for 2 days per month. It was further suggested that the newly appointed Hub Lead be invited to attend a future meeting of SACRE to discuss the draft handbook on Religion and Worldviews. The chair agreed to follow this up following their appointment.




That the update from the Chair be noted.