Agenda item

SACRE Self Evaluation Process


The Chair whilst noting the limited time remaining, requested that the meeting split in to two smaller groups to look at Key Area 1 and Key Area 5 of the Self Evaluation Toolkit with a view to coming together at the end of the meeting to share thoughts.


He further noted that the next agenda would allow for adequate time to prioritise the other key areas of self-evaluation.




Key Area 1 a – d


1a - The group found that SACRE was both Developing and Established.


1b – Established was being fully met.


1c – This was found to be sitting between Developing and Established due to there being some concerns regarding attendance and timing of meetings. The Chair agreed to follow up on this matter.


1d – This was found to be Requiring improvement / struggling and the group felt that this area was not well planned or set out for SACRE.


Key Area 5 a – c


5a – This was found to be sitting between Developing and Established mainly due to the difficulties in maintaining active members, however following the pending review of SACRE membership this would likely move to Established.


5c – Was found to be Established, noting that improvements could be gained from the return of inter-faith events and rebuilding networks within schools.




That the comments of the two groups be noted and further work on SACREs self-evaluation be undertaken at the next meeting.


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