Agenda item

DM/22/00717/FPA - Land West of Locomotion the NRM at Shildon, Dale Road Industrial Estate, Shildon

Construction of new collection building for Locomotion with associated access and landscaping


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer which provided details of an application for the construction of new collection building for Locomotion with associated access and landscaping at Land West of Locomotion the NRM at Shildon, Dale Road Industrial Estate, Shildon (for copy see file of minutes).


M O’Sullivan, Senior Planning Officer, provided a detailed presentation of the application which included a site location plan, aerial photograph and photographs of the site.


Ms S Price confirmed that the building was opened in 2004 and built on the foundation of the Timothy Hackworth Museum, it had gone from strength to strength, welcoming 200,000 visitors a year prior to COVID-19.  The new building would enable the Museum to house the largest collection in the world and give the opportunity to draw visitors and use modern methods of learning and engagement.


The NRM would host the national centenary of the flying Scotsman and 200th anniversary of Stockton and Darlington railway and this proposal supported County Durham Tourism, generated income in the local area and there would be new opportunities for volunteering.


The new building would sit on the unattractive former Ashfield site, which acted as a magnet for antisocial behaviour.  A landscape design team had been appointed which had ensured that all of the statutory consultees deemed the proposal to be acceptable.


Finally Ms Price confirmed that if the Committee endorsed the recommendation, work would be able to commence in November 2022 and would be completed in October 2023.


Councillor Quinn, Local Member endorsed the comments from Ms Price and confirmed that the site was a blight on the landscape which had suffered with antisocial behaviour problems and unauthorised encampments over the previous nine years.


Councillor Quinn was looking forward to celebrations for 200th anniversary and confirmed that the 150th anniversary had put Shildon on the map.  She was very keen for the proposals to go ahead and gave full support for the Museum.


The Chair confirmed that various consultants were in attendance to answer questions from Members.


Councillor Atkinson confirmed that this was a thorough application which included benefits from jobs, tourism and income, reduce antisocial behaviour and remove the blight on the landscape, with no objections.  He knew the place well, supported the recommendation and moved approval for the reasons outlined in the report.


Councillor Jopling had visited the Museum and it was a benefit to the local area, whilst the proposal would enhance the County Durham Tourism offer and she was pleased to second the motion to approve.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions outlined in the report.

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