Agenda item

DM/21/00855/FPA - Land To The North Of Peases West Sports Centre, Crook

Proposed 29 no. Affordable dwellings/apartments including 2 no. Community Workshops, associated parking, landscaping and open space


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer which provided details of an application for Proposed 29 no. Affordable dwellings/apartments including 2 no. Community Workshops, associated parking, landscaping and open space at Land To The North Of Peases West Sports Centre, Crook (for copy see file of minutes).


G Spurgeon, Senior Planning Officer, provided a detailed presentation of the application which included a site location plan, aerial photograph and photographs of the site.


Councillor Jopling queried the ownership status of the land and the Senior Planning Officer advised that the Leisure Centre owned the majority, but some of the area at the east of the site was owned by the Council.


Councillor Jopling confirmed that although in her opinion, the Council should support affordable housing, the site was situated on a bus route that provided a two hourly service.  She did not think that the location was suitable and there would be a significant loss of open space. 


Noting the lack of attendance from the applicant and members of the public, Councillor Atkinson confirmed that it would be difficult to go against the Officers’ recommendation and moved the proposal to refuse the application for the reasons outlined in the report.


Councillor Adam seconded the motion, commenting on the lack of interest shown by the applicant and the lack of detail included in the application.  There were no details attached to the proposal and part of the land was owned by the Council with no indication as to whether the land was prepared for sale.


The Senior Planning Officer advised that all findings had been communicated to the applicant, however no further information had been received and the applicant requested the application be determined based on the information submitted.


Councillor Quinn confirmed that applications for affordable housing were supported where able and she liked the design of the houses, however she was unable to support schemes with little information and wondered whether there would be drainage issues in the area.


Councillor Jones advised that there were elements that could be improved such as the lack of bus service however he agreed that Members could not go against the recommendation.




That the application be REFUSED for the reasons outlined in the report.

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