Agenda item

DM/21/00891/OUT - Peases West Sports Centre, Crook

Extension to leisure facility including swimming pool and upgrade of pitch to 3G, associated car parking and landscaping (OUTLINE ALL MATTERS RESERVED)


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer which provided details of an application for Proposed 29 no. Affordable dwellings/apartments including 2 no. Community Workshops, associated parking, landscaping and open space at Land to the North of Peases West Sports Centre, Crook (for copy see file of minutes).


G Spurgeon, Senior Planning Officer, provided a detailed presentation of the application which included a site location plan, aerial photograph and photographs of the site.


Councillor Atkinson noted that considerable detail which had been received on the need for further provision but queried the conclusion regarding the requirement for a swimming facility.


The Senior Planning Officer confirmed that Sport England had consulted Swim England and identified the issue regarding demand in Crook however the recommendation for refusal did not include any reference to the pool although information regarding viability would be needed in order for the Planning Authority to support the application.


Due to the lack of information from the applicant Councillor Atkinson moved refusal of the proposal for the reasons outlined in the report.


Councillor Adam confirmed that he would not reject the application on the basis of the swimming facility however the reasons to reject the 3G pitch were clear.  With regards to swimming and leisure facilities, it was important to encourage exercise however swimming pools were expensive to run.  Due to the insufficient detail in relation to sustainability he was minded to refuse, but he was reluctant as there was a real benefit in terms of the health and well being of the community.


C Cuskin, Senior Lawyer Regulatory and Enforcement, advised that the Committee could not lawfully approve the application as there was insufficient information regarding ecology and whether the development would have an impact on protected species.


Councillor Quinn queried whether the application could be split as the there were some elements that could be supported if the areas of concern were removed.


The Senior Lawyer Regulatory & Enforcement advised that the Committee could not significantly alter the application however it could not be lawfully approved due to the lack of ecology


Councillor Andrews could not see any benefit in replacing grass with artificial grass and could not support the application.


Councilllor Stead noted the comprehensive assessment done by Sport England and the effect of creating additional pitches on businesses that were already operating.  The applicant had not demonstrated a need for this proposal he could not find any reasons to support it.


Councillor Zair advised that Crook once had a swimming pool which had been demolished around fifteen years ago.  Despite local people being desperate for another, this application had came forward without any detailed analysis.


The Chair agreed that the swimming pool had been a great loss to the area.




That the application be REFUSED for the reasons outlined in the report.

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